ConfigurationSettings.ini is located in the application directory. Settings.ini must contain a key called “Settings Dir” whose value is the directory where the license file is located. Also a sub-directory of the license directory must exist with the same name of the application directory where the following files must be located
The default installation is as follows
The location of DPS resources are specified in SystemSettings.xml. The following settings should be changed via the interactive SwiftSort Applications User Interface.
The location of the mailsort tables are specified in sysSettings.ini as default it is set as follows
Lists of DLL's, Mailsort tables and DPS tables required by SwiftSort are specified below.
DLLSThe Swift Sort API is declared in the .Net Assembly SoftwareBureau.SwiftAPI.dll. This assembly requires the following win32 DLLS to run.
Mailsort TablesThe following Mailsort Tables are installed by default to C:\ProgramData\SoftwareBureau\Swift\Sort\Resources\Tables
DPS TablesThe following DPS Tables are installed by default to C:\ProgramData\SoftwareBureau\Swift\Sort\Resources\DPS