
via Command Line

Resource Updates can be applied via Command Line. This feature allows users to keep their resources up to date an in sequence with their version of  SwiftDPS and allows users to define a more considered decision of how to progress via return codes
SoftwareBureau.SSUpdates.exe <switches>
SoftwareBureau.SSUpdates.exe /autoupdate /LogDirectory=c:\sslog\
The executable can be located in your application folder (program files) which is dependant on your operating system and architecture.

Checking and applying updates

Below is a list of available switches:-
Checks and Applies updates specific to your version of SwiftDPS.
"Path of your choice"
For use only in combination with the above.
Output a logfile to the chosen path (SSresourceUpdates.log).
Below is a list of return codes
Return Codes
0 = Updated Successfully
2 = No updates available
-1 = Error Occured
-2 = Resource Updater already open
-3 = Logging Error
-4 = Licence Error
-5 = System Settings not found
-6 = System Setting Error
-7 = Incorrect Switch Used
-8 = Issue Connecting to Update Server (ftp)


"C:\Program Files (x86)\SoftwareBureau\Swift\Sort\SoftwareBureau.SSUpdates.exe" /autoupdate /LogDirectory=c:\sslog\
REM 0 = Updated Successfully
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 GOTO End
REM 2 = No Updates Available
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 2 GOTO End
REM Else = Problem checking or applying updates
goto Else
Email user@company.com /subject=Swift Sort Resource Update Failure /attach=c:\sslog\SSresourceUpdates.log
goto End
Resource Updates should only be applied if SwiftDPS is not open. Application Updates should always be applied prior to applying Resource Updates as Resource Updates are dependant on the version in use.
To apply updates access to https://updates.thesoftwarebureau.com (Public IP is required . To route https traffic via a proxy see Proxy Server.