Application Updates can be applied via Command Line. This feature allows users to keep SwiftDPS up to date in an Automated environment and allows users to define a more considered decision of how to progress via return codes.
wyUpdate.exe <switches>
wyUpdate.exe /quickcheck /justcheck /noerr
The executable can be located in your application folder (program files) which is dependant on your operating system and architecture.
Updating SwiftDPS consists of two steps, checking for an update and then applying an update.
Checking for Updates
Return Codes
0 = No update available
Check for updates and only display form if update available.
It is not advised to use this switch solely as it requires user intervention if an update is available.
0 = No update available
1= Error occured
2= Update available
For use only in combination with the above.
Check for updates and do not display a form if an update is available. A form is displayed should an error occur awaiting user intervention.
0 = No update available
1= Error occured
2= Update available
For use only in combination with the above two switches.
Check for updates and do not display a form if an update is available or if an error occurs.
Applying Updates
Return Codes
0 = Update applied
Downloads and applies the available updates without user intervention unless an error occurs.
Updates should only be applied if SwiftDPS is not open. Application Updates should always be applied prior to applying Resource Updates as Resource Updates are dependant on the version of SwiftDPS in use.
To apply updates access to (Public IP is required . To route https traffic via a proxy see Proxy Server.