Select to create a new project, the defaults will be reloaded from your System Settingsand Default Options. Keyboard shortcut Alt + N.
Open Project
Select to open a previously saved project, the browse window will open at your default Project Definitions path as set in your System Settings. Keyboard shortcut Alt + O.
Regenerate Reports
Select to Regenerate Reports. This tool is especially useful if designing your own xsl style sheets. Keyboard shortcut Alt + R.
Resource Updates
Select to open the Resource Updates tool. Keyboard shortcut Alt + U.
Select to open your Default Options. Keyboard shortcut Alt + D.
System Settings
Select to open your System Settings. Keyboard shortcut Alt + Z.
Select to open the About Window. Keyboard shortcut Alt + A.
Select to open Help in a separate window. Keyboard shortcut Alt + F1.
Contextual Help
Select to use Contextual Help. When selected the mouse pointer will change to which can then be used to click an interactive object within SwiftDPS, resulting in Help opening on a relevant topic. Keyboard shortcut Alt + Q.