Submission Failures

Throughout the use of GeMMA (Importing, Preparing and Submitting), various validation checks take place to insure that all is in order prior to allowing a submission. These range from checking there is a valid connection to eMHS and UK Mail endpoints, to checking that the SCID and Participants are correct. However, it is possible for things to go wrong, specifically during submission. Below is a table of all response codes from Royal Mail and UK Mail web services , however, as mentioned GeMMA validates all imported Mailing Cells prior to submission therefore most of the Response Codes should be impossible to invoke.

Royal Mail Response Codes

Response Code
Mail Producer is not involved in this Supply Chain
The Mail Producer is not involved in the specified Supply Chain
Invalid Supply Chain ID
The supplied Supply Chain ID does not exist or is not valid for the mailing agent
Invalid SAP Account Number
Invalid SAP Account Number
Invalid Submission Date
Invalid Submission Date
Invalid Handover Date
Invalid Handover Date
Invalid eManifest ID
The supplied eManifest ID does not exist or is not associated with the Supply Chain
Fatal Item Validation Failure
One or more items failed validation of 'Reject' level rules and the block has been rejected.
Items Failed Validation
One or more items failed validation of 'Report' level rules. The exact response text is "{0} item(s) failed validation" where {0} is a placeholder for the number of items that failed. The block is not rejected.
Invalid Batch ID
Batch ID does not exist or is not associated with the poster
Incorrect Item Count
The supplied Item Count does not match the number of received items
There are batches associated with this eManifest which are neither submitted nor cancelled
There are Batches associated with the eManifest which are neither submitted nor cancelled and which have not been rescheduled.
The eManifest has already been confirmed
The eManifest has already been confirmed
The batch's status does not allow this operation
The Batch has been submitted or cancelled
A Confirmed eManifest already exists for this Supply Chain on this date
An eManifest already exists for the specified Supply Chain on the specified date, and it has already been confirmed.
Too many items
More than 1,000 items have been submitted in one block
The supply chain has been closed
The specified Supply Chain has an end date which is before the submission date
Batch Reschedule Period Expired
An attempt has been made to reschedule a Batch to an eManifest which has a handover date more than 10 days later than the Batch's original upload date.
Mixed Products Not Allowed
All Blocks in a Batch must contain the same Product, Class and Format
Invalid Network Status
The specified Product code is not valid for the Supply Chain Network

UK Mail Response Codes

Response Code
General Errors
Gateway Timeout
Proxy/network error preventing connecting between user & web-service
Service Unavailable
Internal UK Mail error occurred
Missing Supporting Tokens
Security header missing from web-service call
Unable to find the user account for request identities
Account missing from relevant security groups
Item_manifest-1 Errors
The number of items contained in the Item manifest message is greater than 1000
Maximum number of items in a single call may not exceed 1,000
Cannot have multiple products in a batch
A single BatchReference may only contain a single Royal Mail OBA code
Cannot have multiple formats in a batch
A single BatchReference may only contain a single Royal Mail Format code
Cannot have multiple classes in a batch
A single BatchReference may only contain a single Royal Mail Class code
Data Integrity Fault
Certain fields in the message do not fit to the web-service schema
Duplicate Message – ItemID already in use
Web-service call contains references to the same ItemID more than once
Item ID has already been used on a previous day
Combination of unique ItemID and SCID already exists in the UK Mail database
SPARE8 is already linked to a BatchReference this is unique
The Item-link field used in a BatchReference differs from that in the existing message
Cannot have duplicate EIBItemId in a batch
ItemID already exists in the BatchReference and SCID specified
The Username is not set in the UK Mail headers
Security header is present, but no username has been populated
The Username and the SCID are not mapped together
SCID used is currently in use by a different Mailing House
Unhandled Error
Internal UK Mail error generated whilst writing to a database
Spoil-1 Errors
The message could not be validated against the Schema
Certain fields in the message do not fit to the web-service schema
At least one item could not be deleted
One or more items are either not in a new state, or the ItemID specified is not present in the UK Mail database
The Batch status does not allow for this operation
Some/all of the items associated to the Batch are already uploaded to RM
Batch Reference not found
BatchReference specified in web-service call is not present in UK Mail database
Please specify the Batch Reference and/or the Item IDs
BatchReference field not populated, or Item-level spoil specified but no item IDs provided
An undefined error occurred during delete
Internal UK Mail error generated whilst writing to a database
At least one of the items is not in a new state
1 or more of the individual ItemIDs in the call is already uploaded to RM
Exceeded the limit of 250,000 items within a batch. Please contact UK Mail IT Service Desk
An entire Batch deletion may not exceed 250,000 items

Response Handling

Should GeMMA encounter an issue during submission the submission will be cancelled and a report will be displayed showing the Response Code and Description, for example
In this example eMHS has not allowed the upload and has returned a response code of 19 which means the SCID used does not allow the product selected. During User Acceptance Testing this response was the most common cause of a submission failure as users were submitting DSA Mailing Cells using SCID's that should only have been used for Royal Mail Retail sort, and vice versa.